* Black wool gabardine (vest body) = 1 ½ yards
* Gray wool gabardine (yoke and neckline trim) = 1 yard
* Gray wool elastique/cavalry twill (yoke) = ¾ yard
The correct dye to match the screen-used wool elastique is "mouse grey" by Pro Chemical and Dye.
Alternatively, one can purchase gray wool elastique and matching wool gabardine from International Silks and Woolens.
* Batting = ½ yard

The original uniforms reportedly used typical low-loft batting, such as that likely available at your local fabric store, and that it is what we at Bad Wolf Costumes prefer to use.
* Underlining fabric (muslin will do nicely) = 2 ½ yards
An "underlining" is simply another cut of fabric which is cut identically to the fashion fabric then serged, sewn, or basted to the fashion fabric inside the seam allowance so the two layers act as one.
An "underlining" is simply another cut of fabric which is cut identically to the fashion fabric then serged, sewn, or basted to the fashion fabric inside the seam allowance so the two layers act as one.
* Lining = 1 ½ yards
Walking foot or quilting foot for sewing machine (or an actual quilting machine)
Zipper/piping foot for sewing machine
Quilting needles for sewing machine
1 spool of black thread
1 spool of gray thread matching wool gabardine and elastique
Tailor's/dressmaker's white pencil
Liquid fray preventer
1 can of temporary fabric spray adhesive
1 or 2 hook-and-eye closures
1 black lightweight separating jacket zipper (15-19", as it can be shortened)
Iron and ironing board,
The usual stuff (scissors, seam ripper, bobbins, hand needles, etc.)
Also, a serger is HIGHLY recommended; it will not only make your workflow easier and sewing room cleaner (fewer threads, frays, etc. all over the place), but it will also prolong the life of the garment itself by keeping the pattern pieces and seams in better condition.
NEXT: Fabric Notes and "Substitute" Material Recommendations
NEXT: Fabric Notes and "Substitute" Material Recommendations
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